
As you may have already seen, I have stopped writing the legacy temporarily. I am currently working on a collaborative legacy (you can find it in my legacies page) and it is my turn. Once my turn is over, I will continue to write the legacy. Also, a couple weeks ago, I thought of a story, and could really use your thoughts!

Please check it out here.


2 responses to “Hiatus

  1. HI
    Just found out about your legacy a few days ago, and I’ve been enjoying it, but now you have to take a break! šŸ˜¦
    Just curious, how does the collaborative legacy work? I went to the site, but couldn’t find any description and how its working out. How do you write about the same sims if you don’t share the same computer files and such??

    p.s: If you have time to spare, please check out my legacy: http://www.evanishlegacy.wordpress.com

    • Basically a collaborative legacy is where someone makes the founder and plays until the second generation becomes a YA. That player then uploads the family and house via mediafire or something similar for the next person in line. That player then plays the next generation after choosing an heir if there’s more than one child and plays until the third generation reaches YA and so on and so forth for 10 generations. Hope that helped clear things up šŸ™‚

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